Call for Papers
The International Symposium on
Joining Technologies in Advanced
Automobile Assembly
In the automobile industries, it is required to make light the weight of car body and machine parts for improving the fuel & energy consumption. Therefore, the Symposium on Joining Technologies in Advanced Automobile Assembly (JAAA) was firstly held in 2002, organized by the committee of joining and materials processing for light structures. The second symposium was held in 2005 as the international symposium, and then the third international symposium (JAAA2018) is held aiming at further development of this research field. You are invited to submit technical papers for presentation at this symposium. The following themes relating to light-weight of cars including materials, joining technologies, qualification of joints, process control technologies and so on are taken up in this symposium, but are not limited to:
27-28 November, 2018
Kitakyushu International Conference Center,
Kitakyushu, Japan

Organized by
Committee of Joining and Materials Processing for Light Structures, Japan Welding Society
Co-organized by
Automobiles Division, The Japan Welding Engineering Society
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University
TOYOTA MOTOR KYUSHU, INC., Miyata Plant (Production Models : LEXUS)
Important Dates
  Deadline for;
Abstract submission
July 31, 2018
August 17, 2018
Notification of Acceptance
August 31, 2018
Full paper submission
October 1, 2018
October 9, 2018

News and Update
Nov 14, 2018online registration is closed.
Nov 8, 2018added details of technical visit.
Sep 26, 2018Abstract Submission is close.
Aug 1, 2018 Abstract submission deadline is extended to August 17, 2018
July 2, 2018Site Open